Our projects


Stub out, vote!

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NEED: Streets littered with cigarette butts are a common sight in large cities. Despite being adequately covered by rubbish bins, 8 out of 10 cigarettes end up on the ground. The damage to the environment caused by the toxic substances, which are difficult to break down, is drastically underestimated, and the resulting contamination of drinking water is generally not considered. Unfortunately, very few people know that a single cigarette butt contaminates around 40 litres of groundwater. SOLUTION: We at CleanCigs want to sustainably reduce the pollution caused by cigarette butts. To do this, we place our "Meinungsfilter" in selected locations. These are designed to encourage smokers to share their opinions by throwing in their cigarette butts and disposing of them properly. The project is easily scalable to other neighbourhoods and cities. It is also possible to sell the "Meinungsfilter" to localities, for example, contributing to the independence of the business concept.

Founded: 01/10/2017

Location: Frankfurt am Main

Place to Bee

Sustainable solution for a prosperous future

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NEED: Bees are a fundamental part of our ecosystem. Two thirds of our food is dependent on their work. While the honey bee is widely known, the wild bee is often neglected. The German Wildlife Foundation lists the wild bee as endangered, as populations have declined significantly and habitats are lacking. 52 % of the 580 native wild bee species are on the red list. SOLUTION: Place to Bee creates new habitats for wild bees! We offer a platform to mediate between green space providers, supporters and sponsors. We carry out all the work, from leasing the land to adapting it to the needs of wild bees. We obtain the expertise required to maintain the areas through the support of various organizations and foundations, such as the German Wildlife Foundation. Together we can create new habitats for wild bees and promote biodiversity! We carry out all the preparations from leasing the land to adapting it to the needs of wild bees, as this requires specific agricultural know-how.

Founded: 01/10/2020

Location: Frankfurt am Main


Algae is the future

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NEED: Air pollution and CO2 emissions are considered to be one of the biggest problems of our time. It has been increasing continuously since industrialization and is mainly of human origin, i.e. largely due to industry, transport and agriculture. As a greenhouse gas, CO2 emissions also contribute to global warming. Destruction of landscapes, ecosystems and crop failures as well as increasingly serious impairment of our lives are just a few of the consequences. SOLUTION: AdAlgae has set itself the task of counteracting air pollution with the help of algae! Algae can use photosynthesis to bind CO2 and filter other pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter from the air. An innovative technology enables us to use microalgae in such a way that they can act as an air filter by incorporating them into a sustainable billboard. The idea behind it is as follows: Ambient air is first bubbled through a water basin filled with microalgae and can emerge again as purified air after the filtration process. This basin can then also be used as an advertising space for transparent advertising of sustainable products, for example.

Founded: 01/07/2021

Location: Frankfurt am Main

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