Our partners

We are always on the lookout for companies that share our mission to successfully implement social projects. Supporting us with know-how, resources and commitment helps us to bring about sustainable change together with strong partners. Their contribution is essential to our success and enables us to make a positive social impact.

Working together for innovation and sustainability

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Discover the creative possibilities of a partnership with our student initiative. We offer companies the unique opportunity to work with young talent to develop innovative solutions to today's challenges. Find out how our initiative can give you access to fresh ideas and a dedicated student network.

Shaping the future

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Become part of a movement that shapes the future! Our student initiative offers companies the opportunity to actively contribute to the development of the next generation of entrepreneurs. Discover how partnering with us can not only support young talent, but also strengthen your corporate social responsibility.

Brücken bauen: Unternehmen & Studenteninitiativen im Dialog

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Wir laden Unternehmen dazu ein, mit unserer Studenteninitiative in einen inspirierenden Dialog zu treten. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch Partnerschaften mit uns direkten Zugang zu hochmotivierten Studenten erhalten, die bereit sind, an herausfordernden Projekten zu arbeiten und frische Perspektiven einzubringen. Gemeinsam können wir Brücken zwischen akademischer Welt und Wirtschaftswelt bauen und nachhaltige Veränderungen vorantreiben.